The bridge scarf reaches for Nepal

Nicey Brown turning long scarf into rugs for refugeesNicey Brown turning long scarf into rugs for refugees

Nicey Brown turning long scarf into rugs for refugees


‘BRIDGE SCARF to Rugs' Project now has a home at Elemental Artspace. Niecy (pictured above) will be there most days for awhile, but always on Wednesdays from 12 noon to 4.00pm.

If you would like to help with this project which aims to assist people in Nepal, especially children affected by the earth quake earlier this year, and also to present knitted woollens as welcome gifts to newly arrived refugees to Tasmania, you can do it in the following ways:

1. Pop into the next working session at Elemental Artspace every Wednesday in December anytime from 12 to 4pm and 10 to 12 on Saturdays.

2. Call into Elemental anytime and pick up a kit that will have instructions of what needs to be done.

3. Spread the word, please.

Photo | Mike Moores


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