Meander Valley Gazette

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Westbury needs new firies

Kara Van Dijk aged 15 of Westbury with Fireman Bill Barber fire blanket demo

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WESTBURY FIRE Brigade members were at the Westbury Show teaching the correct use of fire blankets and extinguishers.

The Brigade is looking for new recruits both male and female to begin training for what could be a busy fire season. With little spring rain the soil dryness index, and therefore likelihood of dangerous fire conditions, is at an all time high. Tasmania Fire Service recommends that you should NOT plan to defend your home when the:

• Fire Danger Rating Westbury needs new firies exceeds 50 (severe) in your area, unless you have created a defendable space and emberproofed your home.

• Fire Danger Rating exceeds 75 (extreme) in your area, unless your home has a defendable space and has been designed and built specifically to withstand a bushfire.

• Fire Danger Rating exceeds 100 (catastrophic) in your area, regardless of any preparations you have made, unless firefighters have assessed your home as defendable deadly.


[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores