Meander Valley Gazette

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Daredevils in the dust

Carl Bonk of victoria drives aftershock

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JANUARY 2016 | Joanne Eisemann

Stately tractors and macho modifieds

DUST WAS flying and ears were covered as the Apex 5th annual Tractor Pull got underway recently at Red Hills.

“It was a perfect day for it,” commented Apex Deloraine, President and eventual ‘modifieds’ class winner, Danny Saltmarsh.

“Apex was looking for something to do with the ground; Tas Tractor Pulling Association were looking for another venue up this way so we got on board, built the track, and it’s been going for 5 years now.” The aim is for tractors to pull a sled along a prepared track as far as they can up to 100m.

“100m is called a ‘full pull’”, adds Danny.

Whomever pulls the sledge the most metres over four ‘pulls’ is declared the winner of that class. “If everyone starts to get too far, they put more weight in the sledge to slow it down”, explains Danny.

The weight can be up to fifteen tons and is varied by using water to fill the sledge, adding another element of difficulty, “as you go forward the weight comes forward and makes it harder to pull."

Sixteen classes were run over two days, including a lawn mower class for kids.

Local winners included Brayden Johnston, 51, of Meander – 60hp with his Inter A554; Gerard Gelston, 61, of Red Hills - 70hp Chamb 236; Theo Cresswell, 86, of Deloraine - 110hp Chamb 40K; Andrew Moore of Exton winning the heavy ute class with his landcruiser V8 and Tim Cresswell of Deloraine taking honors in the Open Class with a Tw 25.

Another attraction was the mini modifieds.

“We decided we needed something a bit better to get the crowd in, so it’s the second year we brought the mainlanders over”, shares Danny.

Unlike the other vehicles at the event, these are just for fun and are not used on farms. They bring their own 7 ton sled with them; “there is a lot more who want to come but the cost of bringing the vehicles over the stretch of water is prohibitive.”

 [udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores