Meander Valley Gazette

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From croquet to crosswords at U3A

Florida Rickart Michael Hall Marjan Spencer all of Westbury

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CROQUET IS a sport that involves hitting plastic or wooden balls with a mallet through hoops embedded in a grass playing court. It became highly popular as a social pastime in England during the 1860s.

It’s one of the many things on offer in this year’s Meander Valley U3A programme. Other activities include tennis, bushwalking or more sedate pursuits like memoir writing, philosophy in film, cryptic crosswords, arts and crafts.

These are just some of the groups and classes being offered in 2016 by Meander Valley U3A.

MVU3A is the local version of a worldwide volunteer organisation providing learning and social opportunities for the retired and semiretired in the community.

There are no entry requirements, testing, or awards – just the enjoyment and personal challenge of trying a new skill or attaining new knowledge in a supportive environment while making new friends along the way.

U3A is also about sharing learning. People with a passion or interest to pass on are invited to lead a group.

Art classes proved particularly popular in 2015 and U3A is looking for mentors in this area.

The search for new activities to offer our keen members from Mole Creek to Prospect Vale is ongoing.

The full program of classes for 2016 will be released in the middle of January, with personal membership and enrolment day on Tuesday 2nd February from 11.00am to 1.00pm at the Westbury Town Hall Supper Room.

People who become U3A members can attend any number of classes, and classes start on 15th February.

Keep up-to-date with everything through the Meander Valley U3A website: or their Facebook page.

If you would like to be added to the emailing list, email meandervalleyu3a@

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores