Poodle finds a purchase

Leon Palfrey 13 of Chudleigh decides on a purchase at the Mole Creek Market

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JANUARY 2016 | Sara Fawcett

AS READERS of the November issue will be aware, the Mole Creek Hall Market has been recently established on Saturdays by members of the Mole Creek Hall Committee.

Initially, it was only being trialled for 4 months up to the next market day on 16th January, but due to huge success it has been extended until at least May.

The Mole Creek Hall Committee is a not-for-profit organisation. Funds raised from table fees, trade table, raffle and food prepared by the kitchen are all returned to the Hall to cover upkeep for these markets and other community events.

Leanne Stephens, coordinator of the market, is a local citizen with plenty of experience in the business of buying and selling at markets.

“I lived and raised my now adult children within the Mole Creek area many years ago,” Leanne said. “I buy and sell jewellery and have been trading my items at Deloraine Market for the last 7 years, and at other markets such as Mole Creek.”

Leanne was happy to take on the role of coordinating and running the new market as a way of giving back to the community and developing an interesting Saturday event for the village.

“The market is run by volunteers – the members of the hall committee and myself who come together and prepare for the market, working to put on something wonderful for the town,” Leanne said.

With the encouragement they have gained so far, they are excited to announce the possibility of the market continuing throughout the next year.

“I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who has helped in any way. We have really enjoyed the days and met some beautiful people," she said.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores


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