Meander Valley Gazette

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Junior Soccer in Deloraine

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February 2016

DELORAINE JUNIOR Soccer Club Inc., small though it may be, is an all-inclusive club for boys and girls of 4 to 17 years.

No matter the skill or ability level, it encourages participation and promotes activity, healthy living, and principles of sportsmanship and fair play.

Whether its players’ personal aims include selection in Northern Tasmania Representative Teams or scoring their first goal, its friendly, dedicated, qualified coaches enhance love of football and improve their skills.

Since 1996 its players have been kicking goals on the often wet grounds at Northern Tasmanian Junior Soccer Association Inc. (Australia)’s Churchill Park. With non-compulsory training one afternoon a week and a match in Launceston each Saturday.

As participation can be out of reach for many, the club surmounts this hurdle with a carpooling option.

The season runs from April to August or September.

Under 6 yrs to Under 11 yrs games are played under Small-side football rules.

Under 13 years and up play full Fédération Internationale de Football Association game rules. 2016 registrations are now open at www.myfootballclub. .

Contact club registrar Tenielle on 0459 032 169 or attend training Wednesday afternoons from 3.30 to 5.00 at Deloraine High School.