Meander Valley Gazette

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Sport in brief - Charity golf

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February 2016 | Danny Ross

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IN FEBRUARY 2016, four Tasmanian mates will be setting off on an epic golf journey around Tasmania.

‘Carts FORE a Cause’ is the brainchild of golf-mad mates, Andrew Main and Bernie Klasen.

A chat about their love for golf led to the idea of playing every course in Tasmania and what it would take.

Two more mates were recruited – Luke Atkin and Jason Love – and they soon realised the adventure could serve a much greater purpose.

The foursome have all been touched by depression in some way – be it personally or seeing the effects of depression on others. It was decided the tour would support beyondblue.

The journey is called Carts FORE a Cause and the plan is to play every golf course in Tasmania in just one month and at the same time raise much-needed funds and awareness for beyondblue and its fight against anxiety and depression.

With three million Australians living with anxiety or depression, this journey will not only raise money to support their programs but will also encompass their ethos, especially their Man Therapy campaign. What better man therapy than a month of golf!

There are two very important aspects to the journey. Firstly, the 81 courses and 850+ holes will be completed in a mere 30 days.

The second aspect, which makes it even more extraordinary, is that the journey will be undertaken in two golf buggies. All 2,600km of driving and approximately 250km of golf (depending on how straight they hit the ball) will be completed driving golf buggies.

There are three golf courses in the Meander Valley: Deloraine, Quamby Estate and Prospect (based at the Country Club Tasmania), and all three clubs will be taking part in the Carts FORE a Cause event and assisting the four players in their quest. The times for the rounds at each course are as follows:

Quamby Estate – Thursday 11th February at around 7:00am.

Prospect – Thursday 11th of February at around 10:30am. Deloraine – Friday 12th of February at around 10:30am.

The four mates will travel the length and breadth of this beautiful State playing every hole on every golf course, all with one aim in mind, to raise $100,000 for a very worthy charity.

They are hoping all golfers and non-golfers will support the Golf FORE a Cause and show their support by coming along to one of the golf days, just to spur the four players along.

Any information about the event, including the itinerary of the playing days, can be obtained by contacting Andrew Main on 0400 343 811 or email andrew@, or Danny Ross on 0487 659 317 or email quambygolfshop@

If you would like to make a donation you can do so at www.cartsforeacause.