Careful planning unlocks future of Hadspen

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March 2016

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THE TASMANIAN Planning Commission has approved an amendment to the Meander Valley Interim Planning Scheme 2013 to rezone land for Hadspen’s Urban Growth Area.

In 2011, Council and the community developed a 20 year Outline Development Plan for the Hadspen area.

The UGA land, located to the south of Meander Valley Road, was identified as an area for significant development, and also as a key location to accommodate residential growth in Greater Launceston over the next 30 years.

For realisation of the planning vision, the area has been rezoned from Rural Living and Rural Resource to six zones more appropriate for development.

Council developed a Master Plan for the UGA providing for residential development, a local business area, school site, new parks, pedestrian and cycle tracks.

The rezoning is another significant step in unlocking future development in Meander Valley.

‘Council welcomes the TPC decision to support the rezoning of the Hadspen Urban Growth Area that will see the population double over the next 20-30 years’, said Mayor Craig Perkins.

Council will continue to work with landowners and utility service providers to design and build infrastructure to service the new community.

Enquiries: Mayor Craig Perkins on 0457 401 220.


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