Meander Valley Gazette

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Helping carers

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March 2016

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ARE YOU caring for a family member or friend?

Would you like the support of others in similar situations?

A “carer” is a person who is providing or has provided unpaid care and support to a family member or friend who is living with a disability, mental illness, chronic condition or terminal illness, or who are frail and aged.

Many people can find assisting a loved one meaningful and rewarding, but it can also have many challenges including having limited time for tending to their own needs and, for many, it can be very isolating.

Carers Tasmania has a range of support groups facilitated by Carers themselves.

These groups provide friendship, fun, information and a sense of belonging. Support group members become a social support as well as a significant source of advice and information.

Carers Tasmania also runs a range of workshops and therapeutic groups.

Workshops include managing stress and carer fatigue, effective boundaries and communication, and groups include beyond frustration and anger and mindfulness.

These provide those who attend with a wealth of ideas and strategies, and the opportunity to hear from others in a supported environment.

Please call Carers Tasmania on 1800 242 636 or visit