Meander Valley Gazette

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Breathe away your snores

Libby Beyerle

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MARCH 2016

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YOU MAY HAVE heard that Buteyko breathing is an effective treatment for asthma, but did you know it is just as useful in treating sleep difficulties such as snoring, nasal congestion, sleep apnoea and insomnia?

Problems such as anxiety, panic disorders, stress and allergies have also been helped by this method.

Social Worker, Libby Beyerle is excited to be organising a series of Buteyko training sessions at the Deloraine Day Centre in April free of charge to those wanting to learn more.

“It’s great to be offering a drug free approach to these health issues” says Libby and adds, “in the UK doctors and nurses can offer Buteyko to people with asthma to improve their quality of life, reduce symptoms and reduce their need for reliever puffers.”

Trainer, Caroline Ash, from Wynyard is a registered veterinary surgeon; she trained as a Buteyko practitioner after discovering the results for herself.

Once suffering with almost overwhelming fatigue and sleep apnoea that required a portable ventilator to keep her breathing at night, Caroline is now free from the disease and has a lot more energy during the day.

From her website ‘The aim is to re-set the brain’s autonomic, unconscious breathing controls to operate at the correct level at all times.’

Professor K. P. Buteyko developed the method in Russia during the 1950’s with funding from the soviet space program.

A range of instruction sessions will be offered in Deloraine. Choose from:

• Single 90-minute sessions to learn how Buteyko works.

• Buteyko breathing retraining course of one 90-minute session a day for 5 days.

• Children’s (3yrs+) Buteyko breathing retraining of one hour a day for 5 days.

Suitable for people of all ages. Bookings required. 11th-15th April, Deloraine Day Centre.

Contact Isabelle or Libby on 6701 2111 at Deloraine District Hospital.

Article sponsored by Deloraine District Hospital.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores