Meander Valley Gazette

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Freedom Riders come to town

Geoff 'cowboy'Marsh and friend  Dirty Dave Freedom Riders Tasmania

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MARCH 2016

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THE FREEDOM Riders Australia Association formed as a result of moves to bring in legislation preventing bikers from gathering together and riding in groups.

Local man Geoff ‘Cowboy’ Marsh heads up the Tasmanian Freedom Riders who get together regularly for rides and camp outs at various places around the state.

He said the group was interested in maintaining people’s rights to be able to go riding  with their mates.

The association is a charitable one and raises money for various charities as part of its ethos.

They also go to the mainland to join with ‘Freedom Riders’ from other states for extended rides.

The association is open to new members.

For more information go to freedomridersaustralia. net or you can give Cowboy a call on 0498 492 183.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores