Meander Valley Gazette

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Muay Thai - A Test of Skills


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MARCH 2016 | David Claridge

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A PACKED house at St Ailbes Hall in Launceston were recently treated to a rare martial arts demonstration, Muay Thai kickboxing.

Muay Thai is the national sport of Thailand, a sport that can be traced back over thousands of years. It requires fighters to use knees, elbows, shins and hands to land crushing strikes.

Hadspen man, Reuben Mallinson, faced off in the first bout. Even though he fought hard he didn’t come away with a win.

Reuben spent six nights a week training in preparation for the bout.

“I was happy I went the full three rounds, but the opponent was a tough fella,” Mallinson said.

“It’s not all about winning at the end of the day though, it’s about everything leading up to the competition. To be proud of doing something that not everyone can do.”

“We’re not going in there to bash someone. It’s about testing your skills and see how you’ve progressed. Muay Thai is about having respect for your opponent,” he said.

The event held by Legion is the third such event in Launceston in recent years.

Launceston man, Jacob Gelston, won the State Title by knockout against Adam Trickey of Hobart in the first round.

Anyone interested in Muay Thai or would like to learn more is encouraged to visit the ‘Abbadons Legion MT’ Facebook page and leave a message.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Joshua Stebbings