Recreation in the bush with U3A

U3a bushwalking group

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MARCH 2016 | Chere Kenyon

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LOTS OF PEOPLE would love to go bushwalking but they often don’t have any one to go with, or fear that it will be too much for their fitness level.

Well, there is a way to enjoy the special places in Meander Valley while having the benefit of a local guide. Meander Valley University of the Third Age (U3A) offers a special selection of bushwalks each term.

U3A is for older people to learn new skills or update knowledge, from experts who are happy to pass along what they have learned. Joining U3A is simple. A yearly membership fee lets you access U3A’s many courses and you can join online at

Peter Ashton is U3A’s volunteer expert guide who shares his love of wilderness areas with his students.  Bushwalking for small groups in remote areas is an “effective wilderness experience not to be taken lightly and can influence values and how you view life. It may even cause you to question your direction in life.”  Peter believes that you can learn a lot about yourself by being in the unique landscapes of Tasmania.

Peter is available to advise his students about which walks they can handle based upon level of fitness and ability.  He meets with students at Deloraine House and they travel together to the tracks.

So, if you wish to get out there and experience what nature has to offer, you can do so in a safe and supported manner with U3A.

Upcoming walks for this term include Stone Hut and Bastian Cascades Circuit, Meander Falls and Quamby Bluff.

However, for the beginners Peter suggests signing up for the second term so that you can start on the shorter and easier walks and Peter can access your bushwalking skills to determine what would best suit you.

Peter views our local landscape as delicate and exceptional.  He stated, “The recent fires on the Plateau have highlighted and reinforced the fragility of the ancient plant types found in our Alpine regions.”

If you wish to learn how to respect and protect our wilderness, while experiencing all the benefits of bushwalking, join U3A and Peter can show you how to connect with nature.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores


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