Sport in brief

Deloraine Footy

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MARCH 2016

Westbury Sports Centre 40 years old

THE WESTBURY Sports Centre has reached a new milestone. In its 40th year since construction a reunion has been organised.

Anyone interested is invited to the celebration on 10th April at 1:30pm. There will be free entertainment and afternoon tea. RSVP is by 30th March to Pat Poulton on 6393 1342

Deloraine footy

THE DELORAINE Football Club is preparing for a big season in 2016. They are once again offering Club Memberships for $2o.00.

Club Membership provides entry into each Jackpot Draw held at the conclusion of home games.

The cash prize jackpots each week if the member drawn is not in attendance.

Members also receive special prices at the Club Bar.

This year, the Committee have decided to reward one lucky member who signs up before or at the first home game on 9th April.

Each new or returning member signed up by the conclusion of the first home game will go into the draw to win a Club jacket valued at $70.00!

You can sign up for membership at training nights which are currently held Monday and Thursday evenings, at the first home game, or by contacting Julian Frost on 0448 391 314.

Westbury bowls

The Westbury Bowls Club is very proud of their member, Julian Frost; not only for becoming the club’s singles champion, but for also winning the Northern Singles Champion of Champions.

Gaylene McNabb, the Bowls North Secretary and member of the Westbury Bowls Club, said that in April Julian will travel to Hobart to compete against the Southern and North West Champions for the title of Tasmanian Singles Champion for 2016.

With the pennant season coming to an end, both the Thursday Division two and Division three teams will be playing in the finals.

Deloraine bowls

FORTY SIX Atherton Tablelands, Queensland, bowlers had a great afternoon at the Deloraine Bowls Club on Friday, 26th February.

Bradey Davis won the clubs novice competition and went on to become the Bowls North Novice Champion.

There are three generations of the family playing bowls at Deloraine. This includes the Patron of the club, Graeme Davis OAM, his son Keith and his grandson Bradey.

With two more games to play, the Thursday Division Three pennant team has a chance to make it into the top four and play in the finals this year.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores


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