Cenotaph for Carrick ANZACs

David Williams Carrick Cenotaph

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April 2016 | David Claridge

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LAST YEAR Carrick was given a cenotaph, a gift for a town that has always had a proud heritage of service for the armed forces. Vice President of the Carrick Community Committee David Williams who has lived in Carrick for around fifteen years, was behind the efforts to get the cenotaph.

“My wife and I drove around the battlefields in Europe some time ago.

“We noticed that there were cenotaphs in all the little towns and villages,” David said.

“When we moved to Carrick we noticed that it didn’t have one.

“In the Carrick hall there is an honour roll for both World Wars. There are quite a lot of names there and many of those families are still around.

“We thought it would be appropriate to have a cenotaph in Carrick to recognise those who had served, including Basil Wilmer,” he said.

David’s research has discovered that about 40 people served in each of the world wars from a town of about 300 people.

The cenotaph was built with the help of the Tasmanian Community Fund, Meander Valley Council, Westbury Lions, the Carrick Community Committee and the RSL.

“We are inviting families of people who have served to have a plaque made which will be placed on a wall near the cenotaph.”

Two walls of plaques will be ready in time for this years’ Anzac Day service at 7.00am. There will be breakfast afterwards at the Carrick pub.

The Carrick Community Committee are also looking for connections with servicemen and women from Carrick who have served in other conflicts.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"]Mike Moores


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