Meander Valley Gazette

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Diana Stokes sketches folks

Diana Stokes_ Diana Stokes_

Diana Stokes_

April 2016 | Chere Kenyon

NEARLY EVERYONE covets the skill of an artist but very few of us actually have the talent and ability to accomplish something worthwhile.

For many years Diana felt exactly this way, even though she was inspired by her time in Argentina, Kenya and England as a girl.

“At school I used to try drawing, but I was always disappointed with my efforts.”

Nevertheless, Diana persevered and completed several natural history art classes.

But it was an Adult Education course in Tasmania that finally unleashed Diana’s natural talent.

She still felt embarrassed by her efforts and considered quitting but finally on her last class, as she was looking at a picture of a Tasmanian Devil, “I looked and thought, I could do that.” “I took my paper and it was like something took my hand and said get on with it. It was like learning to ride a bike, it just clicked.”

This was the beginning of a new chapter in Diana’s life.

“It’s like I’m on fire, it’s very exciting. It’s not like it used to be where I was struggling.”

Diana follows her own unique style and uses all the classes and tips she has learned along the way, as well as the advice of an artist friend who said, “If you want to draw, just draw.”

Diana likes to be natural. She uses pastels, charcoal and pencils, and draws sitting on the floor.

Her favourite subjects are portraits of Indigenous peoples in their traditional costumes from around the world and animals.

Diana feels a special bond with each and every picture and so she would like to provide her customers with a memento of a beloved family member that may have passed on. Dianna added, “Having a drawing to cherish is really special.”

If you would like a portrait of a beloved pet or a family member, clients are welcome to make appointments to view Diana’s work and discuss arrangements.

To contact Diana please call Gil’s mobile on 0412 770 169 or 6393 1893.

Photo | Mike Moores