Meander Valley Gazette

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New livery for old loco

Apex refurb train park train

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April 2016 | Wendy Laing

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AFTER TWELVE years, the steam train at the Deloraine train park has been repainted.

According to Mr Danny Saltmarsh, President of Apex Deloraine, it took 32 litres of paint and 20 volunteers 80 hours over two days to paint it.

Built by Beyer Peacock & Company, England in 1907 for the Tasmanian government railway at a cost of 5,370 pounds, the train weighs 72 tons and is an E class No 2 steam locomotive. It is the survivor of two locomotives that were built to handle heavy freight.

Mr Saltmarsh added that it was last used by the railway in 1962. Following storage, it was donated to the Deloraine community in February 1971 and on the 24th July 1971 it was moved to its current position at the Deloraine train park.

Thanks to the Apex Club and its volunteers this local landmark will shine for Deloraine’s residents for years to come.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"]Mike Moores