Meander Valley Gazette

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Showing support for Shannon

Shannon Visser westbury hodgkins lymphoma

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April 2016 | Chere Kenyon

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WE HAVE all heard those stories where someone has a terrible disease yet time and again the patient is told it’s something minor.

This nightmare became true for 18-year old Shannon Vissor when, in January, this brave young lady was finally diagnosed with Stage 3 (of 4) Hodgkin Lymphoma. It was frustrating for Shannon to go undiagnosed and untreated for so long.

This disease has drastic effects on the immune system, so Shannon has to be careful with whom she comes in contact.

“I was supposed to start a part-time apprenticeship as a hairdresser at a local salon. Unfortunately I had to put this offer on hold.”

Shannon’s words rang with positivity as she fully expects to be cured. And she has a message for others, “If there is one thing I can tell people, it is that I did not realise how common Lymphoma cancer was until I was diagnosed. The symptoms are often misread and can go unnoticed for long periods of time. I would encourage anyone with symptoms to seek help.”

Lucy Gilles, a family friend, is helping to run a dinner and auction night to assist with Shannon’s treatment. Lucy said “this event is to raise much needed funds for Shannon and her family as she begins her fight with Hodgkin Lymphoma. Please come and support this beautiful young lady who needs our help.”

The evening is being held at 6.00pm on the 30th April at the Westbury Bowls Club.

Tickets are $20.00 per head for a two course meal and can be purchased at the Westbury Pharmacy.

For further information, or if you wish to donate, please contact Lucy Gilles on 0417 024 760.

Shannon also has a message for her supporters, “I have received so much support already by my family, friends and the community with fundraisers.

“I am overwhelmed by the amount of people who genuinely care for my wellbeing. I can’t thank everyone enough, who have donated to me, as the medical bills continue to pile up and with the ridiculous amount it will continue to cost in the future.”

Rachel, Shannon’s mum, also added, “I am so proud of my beautiful daughter, her courageous and positive attitude is inspirational.

“Although I was totally devastated when her cancer was first diagnosed, the love and support from family, friends and the community has been truly amazing."

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"]Mike Moores