The art of giving

Nepali days for girls pack recipientNepali days for girls pack recipient

Nepali days for girls pack recipient

April 2016

OVER SIX hundred Hygiene Kits for girls made by Tasmanian 'Days for Girls' sewers were delivered in person to needy Nepalese young women earlier this year.

The girls were delighted with the kits which ensure that they no longer lose five days of school or employment each month due to lack of hygiene items.

While in Nepal a program was set up whereby earthquake affected Nepalese ladies can now earn a modest living and assist others by sewing and selling Days for Girls (DfG) kits.

All this was possible thanks to the generous donations and practical assistance of Tasmanian DfG volunteers.

The Meander Valley branch of DfG is extending an invitation to attend a fundraising event at the Rotary Pavillion on Alveston Drive in Deloraine at 10:00am on Friday 15th of April.

There will be a presentation by Dr Lois Beckwith on her recent trip to Nepal and an auction of Nepalise silk, cashmere and jewellery.

People coming along are asked to bring items for a trade table and a plate of food to share.

The cost is $10.00 per person. RSVP's to Christina: 6369 5491.


Invitation to artists


Growing organically in Lorinna