Meander Valley Gazette

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Westbury Probus ladies scan their history

Nita Clarke of Westbury Sheila Stevenson of Carrick work together on scanning westbury ladies probus minute books

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April 2016 | Joanne Eisemann

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THREE LOVELY ladies from Westbury Ladies Probus have embarked on a project to help preserve the club’s history. Nita Clarke, Sheila Stevenson and Eleanor Denton-Giles have been working at the Deloraine Online Access Centre to scan and digitalise the clubs 23 years of handwritten minute books.

“When I became secretary, the past secretary handed all these minute books over to me… I looked at them and wondered what happens to those books when I pass along?” explains Nita.

The club decided to apply for a Community Grant from Meander Valley Council to make a digital copy of the books.

At much larger expense they could have had the whole thing done for them by a print company, but instead opted to develop their computer and scanning skills with the assistance of their local online centre.

“At first is was a bit tricky, especially working out our filing system” says Sheila “but it got easier as we went along.”

Originally an offshoot of Rotary, Probus is “all about companionship and friendship for people over 55.

It was formed for professional and business people but now the spectrum has been widened a bit,” comments Nita.

They get together on the third Thursday of the month at the Westbury Town Hall Supper Room at 10.00am for morning tea and guest speaker.

“Anyone is welcome to come along and see what goes on," says Nita.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"]Mike Moores