Meander Valley Gazette

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Who is the cutest of them all?

Toddlers ballet and tap class

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April 2016 | Chere Kenyon

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THERE IS something magical about little girls in pink tutus dancing with pointed feet.

Meander Valley Gazette recently had the pleasure of watching a group of fairy ballerinas at Dance Connection, Jillian Sargison’s dance studio.

It was great to see the children learning to stretch, jump and move gracefully.

According to Jillian, dance is a “great opportunity for students to gain confidence , rhythm and deportment in a beautiful social and interactive environment.”

Jillian firmly believes that learning dance in a nurturing environment teaches us important life skills.

“Allowing children to express themselves along with learning good discipline and technique are skills that you carry through life.”

Jillian is providing classes for young people in the Deloraine area. She covers ballet, tap and jazz in the one lesson.

Classes for tiny dancers (toddlers) and older students are on Fridays and in-between ages run on Tuesday afternoons.

While parents are not able to watch the classes, as it proves distracting to students, they are invited to an open class day at the end of each term.

The children also really enjoy the end of year performances which are generally held in Launceston. Some of Jillian’s students even go on to enter dance competitions.

Children need to be provided with appropriate dancing shoes and clothes, but Jillian has tried to keep her prices affordable for the local community.

For further information, call Jillian on 0437 770 935.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"]Mike Moores