Meander Valley Gazette

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Meander Valley - get involved

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May 2016

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Eat out with neighbours

THE MEANDER Valley Local Food Task Force project is aiming to increase awareness of fresh locally produced food, while finding ways of improving access to fresh healthy food by those who are currently more vulnerable in our community.

We never completely know what is happening for our neighbours and why.

Are they going hungry? Are they struggling? Do they need a hand?

Mostly we don’t tell our neighbours if we are struggling or need a hand.

It is called good ol’ Aussie Pride.

However, we know that everybody in a community can be vulnerable at different times.

Community is the key! By coming together and sharing food and friendship, together we can support each other in having access to affordable, fresh, healthy food.

So that’s why some free community dinners are being held to share food and friendship.

Two are in the planning; a dinner in Mole Creek on Saturday 28th May at 5:30pm and luncheon in Deloraine on Sunday 26th June at 12:30pm.

To book a seat at either of these meals, call Deloraine House on 6362 2678.

Help is needed with preparation of the meals.

If would you like to be involved, you could help chefs prepare food on the day, help with setting up, or clearing up afterwards.

Do you have excess produce to share?

Would you like to contribute that produce to a community dinner?

Would you like to be involved in a conversation about food choices and needs in your locality?

If so, Catherine Smith (Meander Valley Local Food Task Force, Deloraine House) would love to hear from you.

Phone: 0427 509 409