Meander Valley Gazette

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Statistical information gatherers needed

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May 2016

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IN MAY, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) will be recruiting Field Officers from across Tasmania to carry out Australia’s Census of Population and Housing on Tuesday 9th August.

The ABS is looking for dedicated, enthusiastic self-starters to fill up to 800 positions, with approximately 15 jobs available in the Meander Valley area.

If you’re tech-savvy, know your community well and are eager to make a difference, the ABS wants to hear from you.

TAS Census Director, Georgia Chapman, said that working on the Census is a great way to contribute to your community.

“The data you help collect provides an important statistical snapshot of Australia.

It supports planning, policy and funding decisions for a range of local services and infrastructure—from housing and transport to health and education.”

A few things have changed since the last Census. In 2016, the majority of households are expected to complete the Census online; however, paper forms will still be available for households who need them.

Field Officers play a critical role in facilitating these changes by visiting households, encouraging online participation but most important of all, ensuring everyone makes the count.

The positions are casual and most of the work will be conducted during August and September. People from diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

For more information or to apply, go to careers.

Applications open on Monday, 2nd May.