Meander Valley Gazette

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Enterprise Centre shuts up shop

Richard Millen

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MAY 2016

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AFTER 25 years of assisting small business in the Meander Valley and playing a significant role in many community organisations in the district, the Meander Valley Enterprise Centre closed as of 4th April this year.

A lack of funding support compelled its Board to decide on permanently ceasing operation.

The board thanked Richard Millen, its Manager Facilitator, for his contribution over the last seven years, especially for his efforts to keep the Centre open over the recent three years.

Richard commented “I would like to thank members of the Meander Valley business community and community at large for their support and welcoming approach to me.

I have become a passionate supporter of Meander Valley and intend continuing my support where I can.”

Richard can be contacted on 0419 623 455 or email richarddmillen@