Happy to be in Hadspen

Scott Arthur and Terri Kewish of Hadspen Newspagent

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MAY 2016 | David Claridge

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ANYONE WHO has visited the Hadspen Post Office and Newsagency recently would have noticed a couple of new faces.

Scott Arthur and Terri Kewish, from Penguin, have followed their dream of owning a store.

“We regretted not buying the Penguin post office when it was for sale,” Terri said. “(When) the Hadspen store came up in our price range, we decided to take a risk.”

Prior to the purchase in February, they were both working part time. Terri was a teacher’s assistant. Then Scott had a back injury and could not continue his bus driving work.

They loved Hadspen when they first arrived. And seeing the store made them realise that they had found a place they could make into their new home.

Moreover, “the customers have continued to visit since we opened. It is building up faster than we anticipated.

We thought it would probably take twelve months. So we are really happy with it,” Terri shared.

The store offers gifts, caters to babies, children and men, too. At the same time, they plan to make the store bigger and better, as it was quite run down and with little stock when they took it over.

Making it a “work in progress” means they are “relying heavily on customers to tell them what they want to see in there, to help them make it a better place to visit”.

People have been suggesting what magazines, services and other things they want the store to have available.

Scott and Terri also plan to bring in a coffee machine to offer tea and coffee along with snacks to make it more modern and serviceable to the community.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores


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