Ladies of Harley

Lynda Somers ladies of Harley

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MAY 2016 | Wai Lin Coultas

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LADIES WITH a keen interest in motorcycles would have heard of international organisation the Harley Owners Group (HOG). But may not be aware that they also sponsor a program to encourage female full or associate members to become more involved in Chapter activities and rides. This is Ladies of Harley (LOH).

The Tasmanian Chapter formed in 2002 is based in Prospect Vale, and offers its members many extra benefits, such as their very own embroidered LOH patch, a bronze pin for each year of membership, and extras such as the ABCs of Touring and the HOG Mileage Program.

The Tasmanian HOG Chapter enthusiastically encourages women to join all their rides and events, whether on their own motorbike, riding pillion, or participating in social activities.

Men are always welcome to attend and support their ladies, and LOH members are actively involved in HOG organised events too.

In the early days, LOH organised special rides, picnics and dinners out, to which men were also invited.

That has developed to its current emphasis on greater friendship between members of the three regions in the island state. HOG Tasmania has 331 full members and 80 associate members.

“All are genuinely interested in bikes and riding. HOG is a very social group, and not only for couples. We try to involve the whole family in events where possible,” said Lynda Somers, the LOH Officer. “Several times a year we have designated LOH rides.

This often finishes with a BBQ or a going somewhere for lunch. This year, the theme of our fun Annual Dinner will be The Wild West.”

LOH organise annual pizza nights and produced a 2015 calendar featuring ladies dressed in 60’s gear with their highly polished Harley bikes to support the Kidney Foundation. The 2017 calendar is themed Kids on Harleys to raise funds for Camp Quality. The photo shoot involved HOG members’ children and grandchildren posed on 9 Harley motorbikes.

“Our newest LOH member has bought a 500 Street, which is the latest model brought out by Harley Davidson to encourage learners to begin their riding journey on a Harley. The 500 Street is the first Harley to be Learner Motorcycle Scheme approved,” explained Lynda.

“Ladies who buy their own new Harley are automatically invited to become a HOG member, and can then become a LOH at no extra cost.” Ladies with a second-hand Harley who are not already HOG members are invited to contact the HOG committee about going along on a ride or to an event as a guest.

Lynda has observed that some ladies who do not normally ride very much, make the effort to join the LOH rides. “While all HOG rides cater for riders of all levels of experience, the LOH ones are often a bit shorter and ridden at a more leisurely pace to ensure that all participants feel comfortable.

There is always a great spirit of support and encouragement for all new riders in the group. But particularly for ladies who decide to ride with the HOGs.”

To sign up with LOH, contact Lynda Somers at or go online to Harley Owners Group Australia, fill in the membership form and tick the LOH box.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores


In the garden with Nell Carr


Rest well, Peter Crowden