Opportunity beckons at Deloraine Studios

Brad QuinBrad Quin

Brad Quin

MAY 2016 | Sara Fawcett and David Claridge

ARTIST BRAD Quinn is progressing in his art career. Living in Westbury, he has just taken on a small studio in Deloraine Creative Studios.

Already off to a good start, Brad has sold three paintings in two weeks after opening.

“Taking a studio space in Deloraine is a big step for me,” Brad said.

“I’ve been interested in painting and drawing ever since I can remember.

I was good at art in school and just stumbled into studying graphic design at RMIT. Now I have spent most of my career as a freelance illustrator.”

“I don’t believe that paintings need to have a message or meaning. My main interest is trying to re-create the effects of light on objects — landscapes, still lifes, interiors — in the simplest way possible,” he said.

Brad’s work is mostly in oils, creating a style that most people would describe as realistic or impressionist.

“It’s hard to describe exactly how this is done. I spend a lot of time experimenting and looking at how other artists work.

The internet is a fabulous tool for examining other paintings in detail and so many contemporary artists are very generous in explaining their materials and techniques,” he said.

“Some of my paintings never get finished because they are not working.  Others get finished but don’t feel right, so they get hidden away.”

“But when a painting works and I am happy with the final result, there is still the question - does anybody else think it is good enough to want to own it?”.

The Deloraine Creative Studios explain on their website that they give people the opportunity to observe and talk with artists and craftspeople as they weave their magic, creating authentic Tasmanian products including painting, weaving, sewing, making jewellery and woodcrafts.

You can visit the studios seven days a week.

Photo | Mike Moores


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