Meander Valley Gazette

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Rest well, Peter Crowden

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MAY 2016

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8th August 1949 - 9th April 2016

AFTER A brief illness, Peter Crowden recently passed away peacefully at the Deloraine Regional Hospital.

Peter was one of the world’s quiet folk who contributed significantly to his community. His many years’ of volunteering at the Mole Creek Online Access Centre is just one example of Peter’s local involvement and his presence at the Centre will be very much missed. Meander Valley Online Inc.’s deep appreciation for his efforts over many years cannot be overstated.

Peter was also an avid indoor bowls player and maintained a keen interest in local history.

A well-attended public service took place at the Chudleigh Hall, a building that long held a special spot in his heart. Rest well, Peter.

The Management, staff and volunteers of Meander Valley Online Inc.