Meander Valley Gazette

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Alpacas help autistic kids

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June 2016 | Leanne Osmond

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GIANT STEPS in Deloraine is Tasmania’s only specialist facility for children and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Tasmania.

“We have always believed that people living with an Autism Spectrum Disorder have the capacity to learn and deserve a life which provides acceptance, safety, stimulation, happiness and respect,” said school principal Tim Chugg.

The Alpaca Shoppe decided to have a Fundraiser during Alpaca week with the proceeds raised being donated to Giant Steps Tasmania.

Deloraine really got behind the event.

Bonney’s Inn donated sandwiches, Helena Pearson donated slices and The Alpaca Shoppe donated one of their Alpaca throw rugs to be raffled as a prize, which was drawn on Mother’s Day, and was won by Wendy Laing.

The day was a little wet, but it did not dampen the activities.

Two alpaca mothers and their babies, visited the Shoppe.

With the help of their owners Ken Manning and Lyn Koitka a lot of people came to feed, pat and say hello, especially the young boys.

Inside, Barbara and Sybilla were spinning and Lynne was carding alpaca fleece.

They were inundated with questions.

A guessing competition kept children entertained, ‘Pick the fleece that goes with which animal.’

$500.00 was raised, with all the proceeds going to help fund Giant Steps Tasmania’s work.

“It is this kind of support that enables us to make a positive difference in the lives of people living with an Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Not every community would be as caring and inclusive as Deloraine,” said Tim, “Nor as creative in their fundraising ideas.