Meander Valley Gazette

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Exton berry company expands

June 2016

TASMANIAN BERRIES at Exton will employ 17 more people with the help of funding from a government initiative to create jobs and investment.

“Tasmanian Berries will receive more than $430,000 from the Tasmanian Jobs and Investment Fund for the $1.3 million expansion project,” said Eric Hutchison, Federal Member for Lyons.

“This will be for the establishment of a facility for tabletop grown strawberries under poly tunnels, which will create 17 new jobs.”

Mr Hutchinson said the $24 million fund is expected to generate nearly 800 new jobs throughout Tasmania and provide almost $100 million in investment for our state.

The 56 projects funded are from a diverse range of businesses and showcase the innovation and optimism that characterises Tasmania.

Nearly 150 applications were received from around the state as part of the highly competitive application process.

“This demonstrates that Tasmanian businesses are confident, they’re looking to invest and expand,” Mr Hutchinson said.

Another Meander Valley recipient of a Tasmanian Jobs and Investment Fund grant was Ashgrove Cheese who will receive $84,000. This money will assist with the purchase of equipment to increase butter production at Elizabeth Town and will create 5 new positions.