Meander Valley Gazette

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Joey scouts

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June 2016

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THE WESTBURY Joeys are taking a break.

Due to the advancement of 8 year old Joeys to the Cub Scout section at the end of Term One, and others leaving due to family commitments, it was decided to take Term Two off pending “expressions of interest” from parents with children aged 6 or 7 at the beginning of Term Three.

There are also vacancies for an assistant leader or two.

Joey Scouts is the first section of the scout movement for children aged 6 and 7.

A child may attend 6 Mob meetings during which time they learn what Scouting is about, the Law & Promise through playing games, crafts & activities.

After 6 weeks, if they wish to continue, it is time to become registered, buy a uniform and be invested.

Over two years Joeys earn up to 4 badges while having fun and learning.

The Mob needs 4 to 6 children to make it viable to continue.

Joeys meet for 1 hour a week at the Westbury Scout Hall.

For more information or to place your child’s name on the list please contact: Group Leader Margo Dobson on 6393 7347 or 0417 511 470. Joey Mob Leader Danni Brown on 0459 245 388.