Meander Valley Gazette

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Meander Valley - get involved

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June 2016

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COMMUNITY Transport Services Tasmania (now known as CTST) recently held a special dinner to recognise the volunteers of our Mersey Meander District.

The event was held to say thank you to the wonderful volunteer drivers for the amazing work they do for their community.

CTST Chief Executive Officer, Lyndon Stevenson addressed the team expressing sincere appreciation for their ongoing commitment to both their community and CTST.

As a non-profit organisation providing door-to-door transport to the frail, aged, disabled and disadvantaged members of the community, volunteers recognise the importance of the service which enables people to stay in their own homes for as long as possible with independence and quality of life.

The day provided an opportunity for drivers to share their experiences with each other, provide positive and constructive feedback, have a laugh and simply enjoy a lovely evening.

Several volunteers spoke about the sense of achievement being a volunteer driver with CTST brings, and the satisfaction in knowing they can assist the vulnerable in the community.

With a wide range of clients, various needs are always being met.

These include trips for shopping, medical appointments, trips to events or the hairdresser, to the airport or to visit with family and friends.

Covering 12 districts statewide with a fleet of 70 vehicles, CTST and our volunteers work hard to help people enjoy every moment of life, whilst remaining in the comfort of their own homes.

CTST is eager to hear from people who may be interested in joining the team of volunteers.

Information about the service can be found on www. or by phoning 1800 781 033.