Meander Valley Gazette

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Bowen eases pain

Deb Hunter works on Linda Pittard

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JUNE 2016 | Joanne Eisemann

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IN THESE days of increasing stress more people are turning to Bowen Therapy to find relief from their aches and pains, stresses and strains.

Developed in the 1950’s by Australian Tom Bowen, this innovative technique has now gone global.

Local practitioner Deb Hunter became interested in the technique in the 90’s.

“When I was a farmworker and, at my size, there was no way I should have been picking up spuds but I was…I ended up with two frozen shoulders, nothing gave lasting relief until I was taken to a Bowen Therapist” explains Deb.

“Soon after that a course came up in Launceston so I did Level 1 and was told I had a good understanding and should take it further.”

Her interest took her to study with Oswald (Ozzie) Rentsch the person entrusted by Tom Bowen to teach his technique to others.

Deb describes Bowen therapy as a non-invasive hands-on therapeutic technique which aims to return the body to homeostasis while improving mobility, flexibility and comfort.

Muscles and joints are gently coaxed back to their rightful place and the body is reminded of how it feels to operate in a natural state.

“The points that Bowen uses equate to neuro-vascular bundles. There are sound physiological reasons to touch the spots we touch,” says Deb.

Sessions typically last 40 to 60 minutes. They are not painful though many people identify ‘meaningful’ sensations that indicate the therapist has found the spot. Usually the client lies clothed on the massage table, but may also be treated with comfort sitting in a chair, on a massage chair or at home in bed.

A course of treatment usually consists of one to three sessions, seven to ten days apart. Some people with chronic pain and certain conditions like to return semi-regularly.

The technique can deliver some spectacular results. Deb’s client, Linda Pittard offers her story.

“I have had a Bowen session that has taken me from not being able to walk to being able to move freely.”

On Bowen’s effectiveness Deb shares, “I believe the reason that it works where other things don’t is because it doesn’t impose anything from the outside. All we are doing is tapping into and waking up the body’s own system.”

“The other thing with Bowen is it’s minimalist, the more I leave the body to do its own work. Each touch I make will be a stronger signal. If I do too much work it can confuse the body, less is more.”

The Bowen Association of Australia and its associated company Bowtech® has been active in gaining and maintaining mainstream recognition from the beginning, Bowtech® Therapists enjoy the support of many health funds.

“I love what I do. I could probably move to the city and be as busy as some of the city practitioners that I meet when I go on extra curricular courses, but I’m a country girl. I like working with country people, I understand their injuries and I understand their stresses and strains,” shares Deb.

Deb conducts a regular weekly clinic in Seppenfelts’ treatment room.

To make a booking call her on 6367 8142.

Following Tom Bowen’s practice, Deb treats children for free.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores