Meander Valley Gazette

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deloraine footy

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JUNE 2016

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IN THE second annual Anxiety and Depression Awareness Day match, Deloraine came away winners in a closely fought game against Hillwood. Little separated the teams in a game that was characterised by attacking football from both sides. The game was given added interest by the inclusion of former Hawthorn player, Lance Picioane, who started ‘The Love Me Love You’ Foundation in 2012 and works with Australian youth to develop positive attitudes towards the problems of mental health.

Stand out players were A. Gleeson (7 goals) and D Schoor (3 goals) for Deloraine and J. King:(3 goals) and D. Withers (2 goals) for Hillwood.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores