Day care with a difference

Veronica Kelly 4 Natasha Jarman Kaitlyn Kendrick 4 and Koby Smith 3 Goodstart Prospect Vale

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JUNE 2016 | David Clardige

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GOODSTART PROSPECT Vale, an early learning centre, has been awarded an ‘exceeding’ rating for their early learning and care under the National Accreditation Scheme.

The assessment, issued by Australia’s Children Education & Care Quality Authority, states that the centre demonstrated particular strengths in providing learning environments and experiences to improve children’s learning outcomes, and that the educators displayed respectful and supportive relationships with families.

Centre Director Natasha Jarman said her team is very passionate about what they do, and that their aim is to offer an exceptional program which nurtures each child’s development.

“We have worked hard to build relationships within our local community and are proud of the inclusion support we offer to children with additional needs,” she said.

“Each child deserves to be able to access positive early learning life experiences to equip them with the skills and confidence they need forschool, and life.”

“We are so grateful to the families who entrust their children to our care, as it gives us the opportunity to make a difference each and every day. Making learning fun is extremely rewarding.”

Goodstart Prospect Vale caters for children from birth to six years of age.

The centre is one of 643 not-for-profit child care facilities across the nation.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores


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