Learn about legal literacy

Beylara Ra

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JUNE 2016 | Joanne Eisemann

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LAUNCESTON Community Legal Centre (LCLC) provides free legal advice to individuals and groups within the community.

They offer outreach clinics one day per month to communities around the North including Deloraine where a solicitor is able to give one on one legal advice on general, civil, legal and other matters.

A few years ago they realised that around two thirds of appointments with solicitors were being taken up with people requiring assistance to fill out forms, particularly of the Centrelink variety and many people who needed legal help were unable to get an appointment as a result.

This led to the birth of the Legal Literacy Volunteer Program where willing community members are given a basic introduction to the service, provided with a resource pack then are trained in ethics, self care, letter writing, Centrelink basics, and forms, eventually moving on to help people complete and/or understand forms and documents of all kinds.

Volunteer Program Coordinator Beylara Ra says, “This type of volunteering is hugely rewarding because it can have such a positive impact on peoples’ lives.”

The Legal Literacy Program is totally confidential and, as with all LCLC services, is completely free.

Legal Literacy Volunteers receive ongoing training and support from the LCLC team, including the LCLC solicitors.

A new training program for potential Volunteers will start at Deloraine House on Wednesday, 20th July 2016.

People wanting to help empower others in their community should contact Beylara or Kris at LCLC on 6334 1577 or visit www.lclc.net.au.

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