Meander Valley Gazette

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Mole Creek Winter Feast

Michal President of MCPA puts some legs of deer on the spit

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JUNE 2016 |

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TAKE THE chance to warm up your winter on Saturday 2nd of July when the folk from Mole Creek are holding a Mid Winter Feast at the Mole Creek Memorial Hall.

It’s the brainchild of the local progress association, who are raising funds to support the Mole Creek Hall, Swimming Pool and community development.

The feast will feature a winter style menu starting with freshly-made dips served with hot Turkish bread. That’s followed by spit roast venison and pork or Mongolian braised lamb with roast veg, Greek salad and tabouli, then sticky date pudding or apple crumble.

Beer and wine will be available at the bar with soft drinks for kids and designated drivers.

Mid Winter Feast is a family friendly event with a theme of ‘Hats’, so wear your favourite hat for the chance to win a prize.

There will be music, door prizes, raffles and novelty games during the evening.

Tickets can be purchased early at a discount $25.00, Kids 13 & under $15.00 or at the door for $35.00, Kids $20.00.

Door sales will be limited so book in advance to secure seats phone 6363 1404 or email

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores