Meander Valley Gazette

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Rebecca says, “let them eat Beccalicious cake”

Beccalicious Cake maker Rebecca from Meander

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JUNE 2016 | Chere Kenyon

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CHOCOLATE, VANILLA and caramel – just uttering these words can make your mouth water.

Turn these into a work of art and you have a visual feast for the eyes as well.

Rebecca Boxhall of Meander is doing just that by turning her cake decorating hobby into an artistic business.

Beccalicious Cakes provides stunning cake creations.

What kind of cakes can be created? The most common requests received are Disney- inspired Minions and Frozen characters.

However, cake decorating is often only limited by the imagination.

“I can do every colour of the rainbow,” stated Rebecca. “And I will have a go at anything.”

“My most challenging was a 3D chicken cake that took seven hours just to do the feathers and put them on,” laughed Rebecca.

And she does “not often get a lot of sleep” as she spends her nights creating cakes after the kids have gone to bed.

What is the worst thing about decorating cakes?

“I do not like to watch when someone cuts a cake,” joked Rebecca. “But as long as the customer is happy.”

She has always loved cooking but discovered her enjoyment of cake decorating after she wanted to make her girls special cakes for their milestones.

“My first proper covered fondue cake was for my daughter’s naming day,” recalled Rebecca. Her inspiration also came from her mother who was always making cakes.

She is self-taught; watching online instructional videos, getting tips from cake decorating friends and just putting in lots and lots of practice.

She has been making cakes for about three years, with a large following on Facebook, 5,000 plus likes and climbing.

Rebecca follows a lot of cake pages online and does a lot of page shares as well as run competitions for cakes in exchange for likes.

Thus making word-of -mouth sharing her secret to Facebook success.

If you are a regular visitor to Deloraine markets, you may already know Beccalicious Cakes.

Though Rebecca is a new stallholder, she is already becoming well known there for her beautiful and delicious cupcakes.

Rebecca is off to a cake show in Sydney in early June to view the demonstrations, products and courses available to help her fine-tune her art.

“I would like to learn more about 3D cake design,” she added.

Contact Rebecca via Facebook or on her mobile on 0409 332 812.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores