Meander Valley Gazette

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Meander Valley - get involved

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July 2016

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Cover up and have a ball

THE DELORAINE Bowls Club will light up on 30th July at 7.00pm with the return of the ‘Masqued Ball’.

“For many years, balls and dances were centrally important to our community,” reflects organisers Megan Brinsmead and Sarah Sonata.

“They were meeting places for neighbours, family, new friends and new love. Waltzes, foxtrots and folk dances brought dancers together in mutual respect, allowed young folk to get to know each other, kept older folk active, and forged a strong sense of community in regional towns.”

The new millennium brings a blending of old and new. You can learn to waltz, do the ‘Pride of Erin’ and ‘Strip the Willow’ to the Deloraine Folk Orchestra in a seasonal wonderland. You can also learn a traditional Maypole dance, win a raffle or perhaps be chosen as Belle or Beau of the Ball.

Young friends celebrate

WESTBURY COMMUNITY Health Centre is holding a ‘Friendship Festival’ on Friday 29th July after postponing its original schedule on 24th June.

Young people will get to build on lessons they have learnt from participating in the experiential relationship education program Drumbeat, as they have fun working together, playing drums, participating in positive team building activities with students from schools throughout the North, who have learnt similar values of Listening, Respecting, Tolerating and Cooperating.

Twelve to twenty-five-year-olds and community members are invited to watch, participate in, make suggestions or ask questions about the activities and Youth Health Service from 2:30 to 5:00 pm. There may even be pizza!

Contact Nate on 6701 2156,

Hook into a new craft

HAPPY HOOKERS meet at The British Hotel in Deloraine in front of a cosy fire to make textiles and hook rugs together.

The Group is mainly comprised of new residents who have used the group as a means of settling into the Meander Valley Community.

It is a way of swapping ideas and materials with a cuppa available for $2.00.

The Happy Hookers welcome visitors any Monday morning from 10.00am.