Meander Valley Gazette

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Sport in brief

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July 2016 | Wendy Laing

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Launch of new basketball initiatives

THE NEW basketball stadium initiatives were launched on Monday 20th June in the Deloraine stadium.

Approximately 130 adults and children, whom included life members and basketball players from both the senior and junior associations, attended. Representatives of the Launceston Tornadoes, who will use the stadium as a training venue until the conclusion of their 2016 season, were also present.

The largest component of the upgrades was the installation of roof-loaded fully automated rings that can be adjusted downward to cater for children, and a ‘show court’ to attract high profile basketball to Deloraine. The facilities’ refurbishment also included upgrades to stadium seating, the canteen, and toilet and shower facilities.

Speakers at the launch were the President of the Senior Club, Shaun Donohue, President of the Junior Club, Tony Skipper; and Heath Butt, President of the Northern Tasmania Amateur Basketball Association.

The Deputy Mayor, Michael Kelly, opened the launch and young basket-baller, Caleb Atkins, made the first shot in the new rings to great applause.