Time to act on climate?

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July 2016

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THE CLIMATE Change (State Action) Act 2008 (the Act) drives the Tasmanian Government’s response to climate change, both in terms of emissions reduction and adaptation.

The Act requires that an independent review be undertaken every four years. The first review was completed in 2012, and the second is due to be completed this year.

The review is being undertaken by consulting firm Jacobs Australia and is looking at a number of matters, including:

• The extent to which the objects of the Act are being achieved;

• The extent to which additional legislative measures, if any, are considered necessary to achieve the targets set by the Act;

• The appropriateness of the 2050 emissions reduction target contained within the Act, given the target has been exceeded; and

• Other legislative and policy measures that might be required for the Tasmanian Government to meet its commitments to address climate change.

To inform the review, public input is sought.

Jacobs has prepared a discussion paper that provides important context about the review, and asks a number of questions on how the Act might be amended to meet the challenges and opportunities climate change presents for Tasmania.

Comment is welcome on all questions raised.

The discussion paper has considered the views of those who submitted responses and attended forums during the consultation on the draft climate change action plan.

The independent reviewer is now seeking specific feedback about the future of the Act.

Submissions made in response to the discussion paper will be made publicly available online unless requested to be kept in confidence.

Download the specifications and the discussion paper for the review of the Act from  the TCCO website.

Respond by 5.00pm Friday 22nd July 2016 via email to: climatechange@dpac.tas.gov. au or by mail to: Tasmanian Climate Change Office, GPO Box 123,HOBART TAS 7001.

For info, call the Climate Change Office on 6232 7173.


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