Meander Valley Gazette

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Toddle Inn tackles tucker

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July 2016 | Sarah Fawcett

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TODDLE INN Childcare Centre has won two awards through programs run by Life Education and Move Well Eat Well (MWEW).

It is the Tasmanian recipient of Life Education’s the national Magic of Being Me Preschool competition.

This program encourages children to talk about their favourite healthy food and helps them learn how unique they and others are.

As well as this, Toddle Inn is one of 130 Tasmanian members of MWEW - a unique Tasmanian health promotion program developed in response to international evidence that community- wide interventions in early childhood settings can reduce childhood obesity and improve young peoples’ lives.

In order to achieve the award, Toddle Inn has introduced healthy eating and physical activity into their everyday routines.

One such endeavour has been the provision of age-appropriate, active play opportunities that challenge and encourage children to explore, make mistakes and test limits.

Director of Toddle Inn, Julie Purdon, was pleased with the children’s responses to these award programs, saying they “were enthusiastic about discussing sometimes foods and everyday foods” and “were encouraged to draw and paint their favourite healthy food to create a display board.”