Meander Valley Gazette

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Beth Woods living 'legend'

Beth Woods living legend of Deloraine Kangaroos Footy Club

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JULY 2016

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YOUNG BETH Woods of Deloraine has been kicking goals for the Deloraine ‘Roos’ for over thirty years.

Mrs Woods was among twenty one players and support people elevated to ‘legend’ status by the NTFA at a recent dinner held at Country Club Tasmania.

With her club involvement prompted by a desire for her two young boys to be involved in footy, Beth was on the committee that formed the Junior Football Club in 1983, working as treasurer, shop purchaser and shop worker. She received a Life membership in 1993.

After her boys moved on from playing, Beth joined the seniors social committee, worked in the shop, later becoming shop purchaser, treasurer and caterer for dinners and weddings. “I enjoy the friendships and helping out with fundraising and catering,” explains Beth.

In 2004 she received a Life membership for the seniors club.

The club is obviously grateful for all her efforts as, apart from her ‘legend’ status, she received ‘Volunteer of the Year’ in 2015.

“I am very proud and honoured to receive this award,” said Beth.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores