Meander Valley Gazette

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BlazeAid bridges the gap

IMG_0748 community divided bridge out lorrina

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JULY 2016 | Lorraine Clarke

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JUNE’S DEVASTATING rains have left behind a massive amount of work for farmers to deal with. For instance, hundreds of kilometres of fencing need to be repaired.

BlazeAid is a volunteer- based organisation that works with families and individuals in rural Australia after natural disasters such as fires and floods.

Working alongside the rural families, their volunteers help to rebuild fences and other structures that have been damaged or destroyed.

BlazeAid has arrived in Tasmania and will be setting up an operation in Mole Creek.

There will be a community meeting at 7.00pm on 14th July at the Mole Creek Community Hall.

To find out more about volunteering with, or receiving help from BlazeAid please come along to the meeting.

Visit creek-flood-2016, email or phone the coordinator, Barry Thompson, on 0437 397 665.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Todd Wilson