Meander Valley Gazette

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Golden oldies enjoy a cuppa

Golden Oldies

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JULY 2016 | Marguerite McNeill

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IT’S RUMOURED that women are the chatterboxes in this world.

We don’t know who started that rumour but it was most likely a man.

On the other hand, we do know that many women enjoy a chat over a cup of tea and across the country it’s a time-honoured ritual that can occur almost any hour of the day.

Well, some of our menfolk have taken note and they now reckon that catching up over a cuppa is not a bad idea.

After all, it gives them a great excuse to sit down for a nice, long chat. And no one would be rude enough to count the hours!

In recent months the Deloraine Bowls Club has become a hot spot once a month where such a group, who call themselves ‘The Golden Oldies’, meet to share time.

This group of men, aged from 60 to 90 years, are practising that craft of ‘tea and gossip’ to great effect. Their resonant chatter would rival the best of any women’s gathering.

The idea was inspired by long-term Deloraine lad Kevin (Luke) Bowles who missed the mateship of his early years and decided to do something about it.

He spread the word and soon found others who felt the same.

“I’d see people in the street I knew but didn’t get to talk,” Luke said.

“As you get older you don’t have as many outings and there’s not much chance to chat about old times.”

“I asked a few others and they thought it was a great idea (to meet up).”

The idea took hold and already Golden Oldies day is marked as a date to remember in calendars around the community and beyond.

With tea and scones served up by Deloraine’s Patsy Blair, the first two morning teas each attracted almost 20 people and about half as many apologies.

Three old mates even rolled up from Devonport to join in the chatter.

While politics and other less appealing subjects are mainly left out of the equation, there is plenty of talk about the ‘old times’ and possibly a few rather ‘tall tales’.

“You can’t believe it all,” one old chappie winked.

Men aged 60+ years and more are welcome to share time with other Golden Oldies who currently meet at the Deloraine Bowls Club on the first Thursday of each month at 10.00am.

There is no agenda other than to enjoy yourselves and make a $5.00 contribution for morning tea.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores