Habitat hunt

chris from housing connect

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JULY 2016 | Joanne Eisemann

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FINDING APPROPRIATE housing can be a big challenge for people on low incomes, especially when you consider they may already be handling problems such as homelessness, drug dependency, physical or mental health issues.

Housing Connect helps people with: applying for social housing, support and advice with private rental (including bond and rent arrears), finding a bed for the night, support and advice on how to stay in your home, seeking assistance following family violence, information and advice on housing options, and can refer people to other support services they may be in need of.

An outreach service is held in Deloraine every third Tuesday of the month by Housing Connect representative and trained social worker, Chris (pictured).

“We see a lot of people who are on the streets but also people who are in inappropriate accommodation or have housing instability where they are staying with friends short term,” explains Chris.

“Housing unaffordability is one of the biggest issues facing people on low incomes. If you are on Newstart, trying to find a property that is affordable is very difficult.”

For Housing Connect appointments please phone Deloraine House on 6362 2678.

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores


In the garden with Nell Carr


No friend of Imelda