Meander Valley Gazette

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Retro Rockers take a twirl

retro rockers

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JULY 2016 | David Claridge

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TUESDAY NIGHTS at the Italian Club in Prospect Vale are very active with the Retro Rockers Rock and Roll Dancing Social Club bopping up a storm.

From fifty to eighty people come to have fun tearing up the dance floor each week to music people from the 1960s era would recognise.

Club President, Lorraine Colson, said that the group was created thirteen years ago to teach varied aspects of dance, mainly rock and roll.

“There is no limit on age here. The oldest dancers we have are in their seventies,” she said. “Recently, a pair of eight-year-old twin girls came through to take part in a beginner’s class.

“Sometimes we get people from mainland dance clubs come and join us for the evening,” Lorraine added, as they welcome other clubs to their social events.

“We usually have a theme at big functions. It gives us a chance to wear our rock and roll gear,” Lorraine explained. “A lot of them are open to the public too.”

There is another seven week beginners course this year running from August to September. To find out more, visit

[udesign_icon_font name="fa fa-camera" color="#000000"] Mike Moores