Calling artisans - share your skills

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August 2016 | Chere Kenyon

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THE YEAR is slowly winding down so that means we are once again nearing that busy time of year in Deloraine’s crafting calendar – The Tasmanian Craft Fair.

Tasmanian Craft Fair (TCF) – the organisation working behind the scenes – is now inviting makers throughout the Meander Valley Area to demonstrate their talents by holding workshops immediately after the Fair.

TCF Director, Tim Biggs said, “The concept is not about making money but to promote the district as one of artistic excellence.”

TCF will be doing the advertising and promotion of the workshops for the fair. So there’s never been a better time to take the plunge and show others your unique talent and to open up possible business opportunities.

Tim added, “This is a great opportunity for the wonderful Artists and Artisans of Meander Valley to take advantage of the many visitors to the area, to pass on their skills and to help further the festival atmosphere of the Craft Fair.”

If you are interested in being a workshop trainer, or for further information,please contact Tim Biggs on 0488 011 284 for an Expression of Interest form.


New Laurel House Outreach Service


A very long gallery