Meander Valley Gazette

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Meander valley - get involved

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August 2016

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Win a photo competition

THE GREAT Western Tiers Tourism Association is seeking photographs to help promote the Great Western Tiers Touring Route.

Capture the history and mystery of the Meander Valley in a photograph and you could win a share of over $1250 in cash and prizes.

Entries close on 31st of August, judging to take place in September followed by an exhibition of the 30 best photographs in Deloraine during October.

There will be cash prizes for the best photographs in each of the following categories: Scenic landscapes in the Great Western Tiers, People in the Great Western Tiers, Create your own history & mystery in the Great Western Tiers (photo manipulation).

A People’s Choice Award to be run on Facebook during September.

For more info visit

Go blogging in Westbury

DO YOU have a story to tell, a passion to share or an interest you would like to write about?

Get into blogging by attending a Blogging Basics workshop at the Westbury Library on Wednesday 31st August, 12.00pm to 1.00pm.

The session will cover: creating a plan and setting up, writing for a target audience, proof reading, tagging images, videos and widgets, tips, tricks, useful ideas and marketing.

If there is enough interest, a blogging study circle will be set up for intending bloggers.

For more information call or text Anne-Marie on 0417 120 671.

To book your place go to Eventbrite:

Or phone or visit Westbury Library 6393 1439.

Please bring your laptop or tablet device if you have one.

Get smarter on your phone

GET MORE from your smart phone with this free session.

Learn how to connect to free Wi-Fi in Deloraine, use Facebook for getting information, send free messages and photos using Messenger, Apps, diary, settings and more.

The session will be held at Deloraine House on Thursday 1st September, 1.00pm to 2:30pm.

For bookings go to Eventbrite: www.eventbrite. , drop in or call Deloraine House - 6362 2678 or call Anne-Marie - 0417 120 671.