Meander Valley Gazette

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Sport in brief - Football

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August 2016 | David Claridge

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Four players from the Prospect Hawks Junior Football Club were selected to represent Tasmania in the under-12 and under-15 Australian Schoolboys Championships in late July.

Under-12 ruckman Brayden Fellows, midfielder Conall McCormack, under-15 key position player Leiwyn Matson- Jones, and midfielder Jordan Talbot went to Maroochydore, Queensland.

The club was able to provide support for the players fundraising to cover the levy to participate.

Club President, Chris Ryan, said that the Prospect Hawks Junior Football Club have a proud record of having players selected to represent Tasmania and they are very committed to helping players and their families to take advantage of football and personal development opportunities. He said, “Whatever the outcome of the games, they are already great role models for all out junior and youth players (boys and girls).”